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Suzhou is a city located in southern China, known for its beautiful classical gardens, silk production, and of course, its delicious cuisine. Suzhou cuisine, also known as Jiangnan cuisine, is famous for its delicate and fine flavors, as well as its beautiful presentation. Here are a few examples of some of the most popular Suzhou dishes:

  1. Sweet Osmanthus Rice Cake (Gui Hua Gao) This famous Suzhou dessert is made from glutinous rice flour and osmanthus flowers, which give the cake a fragrant and sweet taste. It is often served during the Mid-Autumn Festival and other special occasions.

  2. Squirrel-shaped Mandarin Fish (Song Shu Gui Yu) This dish gets its name from the way the fried fish is presented – with its tail pointing upwards, it looks like a squirrel perched on a branch. The fish is marinated in soy sauce, vinegar, and other spices before being fried, giving it a delicious and crispy outer layer.

  3. Suzhou-style Noodles (Suan Mian) Suzhou-style noodles are made from wheat flour and egg, and are served in a savory soup made from pork bone, dried shrimp, and other spices. The noodles are thin and chewy, and are a popular breakfast or lunch item in Suzhou.

  4. Fried Wontons (Sheng Jian) These crispy and savory fried wontons are a common street food in Suzhou. They are filled with ground pork, diced vegetables, and seasonings, and are fried until crispy before being served with a dipping sauce.

  5. soup dumplings (Xiao Long Bao) While not originally from Suzhou, these famous Shanghai-style soup dumplings can be found all over the city. Filled with pork, crab meat, or other delicious fillings, these dumplings are famous for their juicy soup filling and delicate skin.

Suzhou cuisine is a must-try for any foodie visiting China. With its delicate flavors, beautiful presentation, and diverse range of dishes, it is sure to delight even the most discerning palate.


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